1. Can I search with a BL Number issued by another carrier than Trans Logistics Europe?
You can only trace a Trans Logistics Europe shipment with a valid Trans Logistics Europe B/L number. We have no knowledge of other carriers' shipments, nor are we privy of House BL numbers assigned by NVOCC's.
2. Is the last move displayed always up-to-date?
Trans Logistics Europe Tracking system results are for reference only. The latest movement of the container displayed is not necessarily the latest physical movement of the cargo. It is the latest move checked and accepted by the Trans Logistics Europe Geneva central logistics control. For more accurate details, please contact your Trans Logistics Europe agent. However, sometimes you will only find informations if your package is shipped or in custody.
3. What is the database update procedure ?
The database is constantly updated, but there can be delays from 1 day up to 5 days for a loading move, and from 1 day up to 3 days for a shipment or a discharge move. Trans Logistics Europe is a global carrier servicing many ports around the world and not all locations are equipped similarly with the same information technologies.
4. Can I obtain an ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) ?
Yes you can. Please email us with your tracking number.
5. What is the cost of Trans Logistics Europe Tracking and Tracing ?
Trans Logistics Europe Tracking & Tracing is completely free.
6. Can I track any Trans Logistics Europe shipment ?
Unfortunately, the cargo originating from the following ports cannot be tracked at the present time: Beira (MZ) Longoni (KM) Mahajanga (MG) Nacala (MZ) Toamasina (MG)